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EXCLUSIVE INVITATION: For Loyal Listeners of The Big Life Only

Looking for The Shortest Route to Financial Abundance, Personal Growth, And Living The Big Life?

Here It Is.

You're about to discover the shocking reality behind Dr. Steve G. Jones' life altering hypnosis programs... PLUS: I'll be offering you an exclusive one-time offer available to The Big Life listeners ONLY that will skyrocket you on the path of abundance faster than you ever thought possible.

If you:

  • Are tired of struggling to make the principles of success 'stick' in your life...
  • Want to immediately tap into the abundance within you and unlock untold happiness and success...
  • Want to get rid of the debilitating fear of rejection and failure for good so that you can begin to do the work you were put on this earth for...
  • Are ready to unleash a tidal wave of unlimited self-confidence without having to take another public speaking course?

Then you need to read every word of this letter. It's THAT important...


Dear Loyal Listener,

By now you've received the amazing gift of having listened to my personal interview with Dr. Steve. G. Jones.

Wasn't it so inspiring?

Well, I have really exciting news for you... because now it's YOUR TURN to tap into the same growth and success strategies that Dr. Steve outlined in our interview together.

You see, Dr. Steve has provided life changing hypnotherapy for thousands of people across the globe at all levels of achievement and success. He's even made his powerful programs available for consumption online.


For many, the broad scope of his expertise and knowledge can be intimidating. If you went to his website right now you'd find over 23+ books, 3000+ audio programs, and a handful of certifications and other programs...

... You could spend a lifetime absorbing it all...

And that's why Dr. Steve and I have teamed up together to give you...

The Shortest Route to

Personal Growth and Abundance

Ever Revealed

With Dr. Steve's guidance and permission, I've hand selected the 10 BEST HYPNOSIS PROGRAMS from his vast catalog to offer exclusively to YOU - my loyal listener - giving you the shortest route to personal growth and abundance ever.

These are the programs that have been proven to affect lasting change, alter life paths for the better, and redirect people just like you to the source of financial abundance, happiness, and learning to live The Big Life.

You're about to receive access to:

A New Positive Attitude MP3 - 60 Min

Discover the secrets of positive mental energy through this relaxing one-hour hypnosis session. You'll be given the tools - through the expert-guided hypnosis of Dr. Steve - to begin living your life from a position of positivity. This priceless skill will give you a fountain of unrelenting energy to boost your ability to achieve and affect change around you.

Concentration and Focus MP3 - 60 Min

Find out how to cultivate the most in-demand skill of this generation - focus. Learn to unleash your passions and energy into a single, well focused beam of effort. Through the power of hypnosis, you'll tap into your subconscious to assist you in developing laser-like focus for long-term benefits and achievement.

Creative Visualization MP3 - 60 Min

You'll be guided by Dr. Steve through this powerful hypnosis session where you'll discover a new ability to crack into your 'deep creative' self. Imagine being able to unleash the ability to solve more complex problems, create better art/business ideas/products/etc. all through your newfound ability to tap into the greatest source of creativity ever - your subconscious mind.

Abundance MP3 - 60 Min

Prepare to have your mind reprogramed from the ground up through Dr. Steve's most transformative hypnosis program. Learn to look at life through the eyes of Abundance, and begin to attract more than you ever thought possible through better thinking habits. Prepare to remove the mindset hurdles that are currently blocking you from success in this transformative hypnosis session.

Enhance Sexual Pleasure and Intimacy - 60 Min

Imagine a life where you felt deeply connected with your loved one. A life full of pleasure. Not only is such a life possible, but it's critical to being truly successful. Dr. Steve will guide you through a provocative, and emotionally revealing one-hour session of deep hypnosis as he guides you towards a level of love and connection that you've never felt before.

Overcome Fear of Rejection - 60 Min

Your mind is full of mental roadblocks that are keeping you from being successful. One of those roadblocks is the fear of rejection. Through this easy to listen to, relaxing hypnosis session, you'll begin to chip away at that roadblock until it's gone. Your life will never be the same once you've discovered how empowering it can be to live without fear of rejection.

Unlimited Confidence - 60 Min

Who is it that always 'gets the girl'? Who is it that always seems to 'close the sale'? It's the individual with confidence, that's who. And you can gain that kind of confidence through Dr. Steve's guided meditation. Through listening to this audio program you'll uncover a confidence within yourself you didn't even know you had. And the results will astonish you.

Unlimited Motivation - 60 Min

Imagine waking up each day with a fire in your heart ready to take on the world. Imagine being filled to the brim with passion for the work you do each day. These feelings and more are yours when you join Dr. Steve in a hypnosis session specifically created to uncover the motivation with you. Start achieving more than you've ever thought possible.

Unlimited Wealth - 60 Min

Break through the mind blocks that are keeping you from achieving the level of wealth that you desire and deserve. Break free of the "poverty mindset" and start truly thinking "abundance and wealth." This guided hypnosis session with Dr. Steve will inspire you, and help redirect you toward the path of wealth and happiness.


Here's A Small Taste of What You'll Discover from Dr. Steve's 10 Platinum Hypnosis Programs

  • Infuse your attitude with an infectious positivity that radiates from your very core, allowing you to tackle even your most difficult problems with a fierce determination and will to succeed...
  • Dramatically increase your ability to focus and concentrate on the things that truly matter in your life without having to struggle through the painful process of "forcing" yourself to zero in on what you truly want to achieve...
  • Unlock the creative genius within yourself and finally build the life, the organization, the movement, the message that you know is deep inside of you... (If you've ever felt that you have something special to bring to the world... YOU'RE RIGHT! And these audio programs will show you how...)
  • Tap into the financial abundance that awaits you once you've discovered how to push aside the mental blocks that are keeping you from what you know you can achieve... PLUS: Discover how to use hypnosis to subconsciously attract more abundance into your life without overexerting yourself...
  • Discover a new and beautiful level of intimacy with your partner that will infuse and re-charge you with a new sense of vigor and confidence... (If you've ever wanted to feel more connected to your loved one... and use that sense of connection to skyrocket yourself into more happiness, then you'll LOVE this session...)
  • Overcome the fear of rejection without having to confront embarrassment or simply "get over it" ...
  • Uncover the mental secrets of "high achievers" in the world's wealthiest individuals and tap into that same mental fortitude to achieve your own hopes and dreams...
  • And much, much, more...

And unlike many conventional learning methods where you have to take notes, read and re-read, and struggle through rote memorization practices before you see results...

... These hypnosis programs will do all that hard work for you by tapping into your subconscious mind (aka: your powerful mind).

All you have to do to receive these incredible benefits is sit back and listen. Dr. Steve. G. Jones' incredible ability to use hypnosis to affect change in your life will take care of the rest.

Easy enough, right?

Create Rapid and Nearly Effortless Change in Your Life Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible


I've interviewed and spent time with some of the world's leading A-list experts in hypnosis, abundance, and personal growth, AND I've personally spent over $100,000 studying success principles over the past 8 years. I may very well be the #1 student of success on the planet (I just love this stuff!).

Why am I telling you all this?

Because I want everyone reading this today to have the same access to the effortless success strategies that I've been fortunate enough to have in my own life. That's why I've gone to such great lengths to hand select these 10 audios specifically for you, my loyal listener.

These are the audio programs that I wish I had been given 8 years ago.  

Listen, I understand if you're a little skeptical when someone claims to be able to transform your life with just 10 hours of hypnosis. But consider this:

"Dr. Steve G. Jones, a hypnotherapist, charges $25,000 for two hour sessions with top executives, actors, directors and producers."

- Forbes Magazine

You aren't getting access to some ordinary set of hypnosis audio programs. You can't find this stuff on YouTube. You can't read about it from a book at the library.

I've hand selected 10 hours of the BEST STUFF that Dr. Steve G. Jones has to offer.

These are the audio programs that have personally transformed my life.

And if they can work for a guy like me, then they can absolutely work for you.


This Offer Is Available Only

To Loyal Listeners of The Big Life

As my way of saying "thank you" for being a loyal listener of The Big Life, I'm only offering this 10 pack of Dr. Steve's Platinum hypnosis audios to you. Nobody else will get access to this.

These won't be available to the general public, and I can't promise that they'll be available forever.

These audio programs are special. They transform lives.

If you want them to transform yours, then all you have to do is click the "Add to Cart" button below to gain instant access to all 10 audio programs for 88% off the normal price.

But hurry, because this exclusive invitation won't last forever.


Gain Instant Access to My 10 Favorite Personal Growth Hypnosis Audios from Dr. Steve G. Jones for Only $97 Today

This Is a No-Risk Investment

Normally, Dr. Steve charges $79.95 for each one of the 10 audio sessions you'll be receiving today. If you ignore today's exclusive offer and come back later to purchase these same 10 audios, you can expect to pay $799+ for what you can get for $97 today.

That means that you're getting an 88% discount today just for being a loyal listener to The Big Life.

But here's the best part:

If you order right now, I'll personally guarantee you a full - no questions asked - 60-day money back guarantee.

All you have to do is try the programs. If they don't transform your life as promised, then you get every penny back.

That sounds fair, right?

Don't delay, order your 10 Platinum Hypnosis Sessions from Dr. Steve G. Jones TODAY!

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